Four Pointes Center for Successful Aging Outdoor Vertical Gardens
Four Pointes Center for Successful Aging (Grand Haven, Michigan) organizes activities for local senior citizens. The center offers more than 50 different physical and social wellness activities each month.
The center added 7 planted wall sections to their outdoor patio. The LiveWall installations allow seniors to garden without kneeling and make the space more enjoyable for other wellness and social activities.
LiveWall’s removable planter inserts make it easy for the seniors using the space to grow a wide variety of annual bedding flowers, vegetables, and herbs in the green walls. Plants include coleus (Plectranthus scutellarioides), SunPatiens (Impatiens x hybrida), rush (Juncus) and a wide variety of kitchen favorites such as oregano, rosemary, thyme, and sage.
The patio before the green walls were added.
Living wall planters installed, ready to plant.